If you use this software and find it of value you may obtain a license for use and show your support for the continuing development of quality Windows shareware. Our licensing agreement appears on the following registration form along with pricing information for the software license and related materials. Registration Form (printed on following page) License request for Icon Manager Copyright (c) 1991 Leonard A. Gray Copyright (c) 1991 Impact Software Icon Manager is licensed on a per user basis. The license grants the user the right to install and use the software on one or more computers so long as the total number of users does not exceed the license quantity. Please type or print clearly the following information: _____________________________ Name _____________________________ Company (if applicable) ____________________________ Street ____________________________ City State/Prov ZIP ____________________________ Country Phone ____________________________ __ VISA __ MasterCard __ JBM Credit Card Number __ Diner's Club __ Carte Bl. ____________________________ ______________________________ Exp. Date Name As On Card Signature Qty Price Total Basic Registration ____ x $19.95 ______ Update Diskette ____ x $6.50 ______ Disk: __ 3.5" (Included free! Over __ 5.25" 300 original & enhanced icons.) ______ Sub-total ______ CA residents add 6.5% sales tax. ______ Outside U.S. & Can. add $3 shipping per diskette. Grand total: ______ We accept checks and money orders (must be paid through a U.S. bank) in addition to payment by credit card. License requests from outside the United States: Registrations will be processed upon receipt of the current equivalent of U.S. funds in check or money order (must be drawn or paid through a U.S. bank) or credit card request subject to the currency exchange rates used by your credit card company. Mail your completed registration request to: Impact Software 12140 Central Avenue Suite 133 Chino, CA 91710 Thank you for supporting the shareware software concept and encouraging the future development of Windows shareware! Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation Impact Software Chino, California U.S.A. Voice: (714)590-8522 Data: (714)590-0500 (Public BBS: eight bits, no parity, one stop)